Sector | Grower in the Spotlight

India: Advice from a social entrepreneur on mushroom farming

Japan: Using the freshest wasabi possible for sushi

China: PUKU unveils AI-driven vertical farm in Hangzhou

Nigeria: Vertical farming a need for sustainable food production

US (OH): Cincinnati Zoo grows over 8,000 pounds of vegetables for its animals

US (NY): First taste of hydroponic growing for Hunter College Elementary school students

US (WI): Milwaukee school children growing hundreds of pounds of food a year thanks to hydroponic system

Video: Inside of Eden Green's grow facility

CAN: University of Guelph students aiding the needy through growing

US: North Spore makes mushroom farming accessible for all skill levels

Canadian students build own hydroponics system thanks to $8,000 grant

A strong ‘Buy Canada’ sentiment

US: Vermont grower battles elements to grow through winter

Nigerian grower using sustainable growing methods to aid food security

Fruit-picking robot designed for vertical farming receives recognition

US: Using aquaponics to grow in a challenging climate

India: Taking a seasonal approach to food service

US (UT): Growers inspired into the world of microgreens by son's illness

US: Fighting for equality in the urban growing space

Iceland: Growing microalgae to combat food insecurity

"Scaling smartly is more important than starting big"

South Africa: Hydroponically grown ginger a potential boon for industry

US (WA): UW's Project Indoor Farm a rousing success

US (PA): Enrichment program teaches students to become growers

US (VA): Vertical farm hopes to be a game changer in food deserts

US (WI): Trump's federal cuts starting to affect CEA growers

Philippines: Visiting a café that thrives with hydroponics

India: Bilaspur entrepreneur creating jobs through mushroom growing

Hydroponic growing makes its way to Harvard Public School

Ukraine: Kyiv residents add peas, sunflowers, radishes to grow operation

US (FL): Partnership brings hydroponically grown food to Sanibel students

India: Aiding a community through mushroom growing

US (CT): Microgreens farm packs a powerful punch

Omani students develop new hydroponic system

US (NY): Groton School district using container farm to grow lettuce

Emirati seeds arrive at "Doomsday Vault"

India: The Bengaluru restaurant using a vertical farm for freshness

US (NY): First hydroponic crop harvested at Shaker Middle School

Guyanese grower makes waves with hydroponic growing

Transforming Montreal's rooftops with vertical farming

Living up to the promise: ‘We’re allowing anyone to see the farm for themselves’

CAN: Newfoundland grower launches lettuce farm to combat high prices

US (IL): Loyola University students providing food year round for community

US: NY Sun Works has ribbon cutting ceremony for new hydroponic classroom

US (NC): Father and daughter make hydroponically grown coffee in Tryon

US (NY): Urban growing pilot program blossoms in Glens Falls

Vertical farming on TV as solution to world food problem

US (TX): San Antonio sees benefits of Urban Farming grants

US (MS): Local non-profit receives $18,500 donation for urban farming

Australia: Partnership hopes to empower schools, early childhood services

South Africa: Hydroponic farm at risk of collapse after bank closure

China: Aquaponics aids growers in producing better farm products

US: Iowa State assistant professor developing Simulated Environment Agriculture Lab

US: University of Wisconsin growing sustainably for an uncertain future

US (FL): First privately held indoor farm launches in Tampa Bay

Dehumidifying and lighting with in-house technology

Egypt: Rural village sees growth from rooftop growing

South Africa: A mushroom success story on the South Coast

Sweden: Inside Green City Farming

"More customers nearly offset lower per-customer purchases"

Nigeria: Boosting food security through soilless growing

US (UT): BYU students aim to fill the produce gap during colder months

Hydroponic indoor farm prepares to take root in Maine

US (PA): GetBlok Farms introduces the Veggie Vault

“We underestimated the cost of the power when we started the whole program"

US (NY): Staten Island students get new hydroponic classroom

“Canadian buyers haven’t seen much of this particular product before”

UAE: Enhancing herbs this Ramadan season

India: The journey from a media student to a mushroom master

St. Helena Island company grows vertically to meet demand

US (TX): A hydroponics farm in a South Dallas skatepark

US (PA): Chestnut Hill Academy receives $1,500 grant for hydroponic garden

"Our HVAC system is key to how we tailor a plant’s environment and allow growers to scale efficiently."

UAE: Pure Harvest and PlanTFarm officially open redeveloped Al Ain farm

Swegreen fully operationalizes its largest store grow facility

India: Grower making steady returns off of mushroom farming

US: $500M vertical farming startup sees slow growth

US (WA): Helping to feed future generations

Legacy Co-Op reaffirms commitment to Canadian products in response to tariffs

"By growing over 52 different crops, I ensure that my farming operations remain sustainable and adaptable to changing conditions."

US: Sending both humans and plants to space

US (VA): Growing year-round to aid Veterans

Japan: As the effects of climate change hit, "plant factories" take over

India: Young grower successfully establishes Odisha's first vertical farm

Growing to aid Canada's vegetable deficit

India: IT professional grows saffron using aeroponics at home

US (CO): Growing hydroponically for the Pagosa community

Australia: From growing out of a rental to supplying over 150 restaurants

Additional cultivation towers in Agrotopia

UAE promotes sustainability initiatives at Bahrain International Garden Show 2025

US (OH): Small scale growers impacted by grant uncertainty

US: Iowa pilot program battles food insecurity with sustainable growing

UAE: Bringing sustainability to Indian fine dining

First recipients of Sollum Student Scholarship announced

Christmas Island: Lowering food costs and import damage with local hydroponic project

US (MN): New cultivation site coming to Welch

Canadian lettuce grower sees massive boom following tariff chaos

India: Using vertical farming to replicate perfect conditions for saffron growth

US: Hydroponic system inbound for Iowa Cardinal FFA chapter

US (OR): Students use hydroponics to help local food bank

Premium tomatoes from vertical farms to appear in Ukraine

Documentary puts UK family farm in the spotlight

UK: Saving space in the fight to reduce carbon emissions

US (CA): Using fungi in fine dining

Canada: Pro soccer player aims to make a difference through mushrooms

US: Plenty ready for strawberry season in Virginia

Lessons learned from using NFT growing methods

Vertical farming legend Dickson Despommier passed away

US (TX): Supplying top restaurants through DIY mushroom farm

US (NY): School gets $175,000 for hydroponic classroom

Visiting a giant Norwegian vertical farm

Overcoming the cost barrier to entry in vertical farming

Using automation to unlock the future of farming

US (NY): Deer Park High School wins $2,500 grant for hydroponics

US: Minnesotan program working to empower underprivileged people through Innovate

India: Agriculture Director promotes smart farming in visit to Marh Sub-Division

US: Using a grow container to create livelihood

From small time grower to $2.5M in revenue

US: New hydroponic classroom for New York school

Exploring the EATtFRESH Aquaponic facility

Farm diversifying its products by adding hydroponics

Canada: Grower says that hydroponics becoming "more essential" in age of tariffs

Creating magic with mycelium

Using aeroponics in a small town

Leading a robotic revolution in growing

Jamaican high school gets new hydroponic greenhouse