The UP government has signed an MoU with Google Cloud (India) to launch the Gemini-powered and Beacon-enabled Uttar Pradesh Open Network for Agriculture. The agreement, aimed at revolutionizing agriculture in the state, was signed by Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and Google Cloud (India) vice-president Anil Bhansali.
"This agreement reflects our commitment to good governance and digital empowerment. By integrating weather stations installed across tehsils with this open network, we aim to provide timely and precise data to farmers, equipping them with modern tools and resources for 21st century agriculture," said the CS.
The initiative offers farmers one-stop access to advisory services, credit, mechanization, and market connectivity for selling their produce. Farmers will also gain real-time, accurate information on microclimates and market prices, a significant step towards achieving the state government's vision of doubling farmers' income.
"Designed as a digital public infrastructure (DPI), this is India's first state-level initiative leveraging AI for agriculture, marking a new milestone in digitalising the agricultural ecosystem," said Google Cloud (India) vice-president Bikram Singh Bedi.