NFT is a hydroponic cultivation system by putting the roots of plants in a thin layer of water where the plants get nutrients from the nutrient solution that flows through the gutters, the flow of nutrients on NFT hydroponic circulated continuously so that the plant's nutritional needs can be fulfilled.
NFT hydroponic vegetables are suitable to be cultivated for leafy vegetables, like a Japanese spinach plant (Spinacia Oleracea L.). The purpose of this research was to test the design of NFT Hydroponic with a slope of 3%. The testing performance of hydroponic NFT consists of three parameters. These parameters include the testing of irrigation efficiency, pH values Electrical Conductivity (EC) solution, and the uniformity of crop productivity. Data obtained from this study were analyzed based on its design to determine the effect of each parameter on plant growth. The average irrigation efficiency value is 92.00%, the value of uniformity electrical conductivity (EC) reached 92.10% and the uniformity of solution pH value reached 99.51%. For the final harvest obtained from its various agronomical aspects, result obtained is uniformity of the result obtained in the plan weight gained is the smallest weight of 13 grams and the heaviest at 70 grams.
From 32 plants produced, uniformity values were obtained of plant weight at 67.788% (chamfer 1), 68,388% (chamfer 2), and 68,388% (chamfer 3).
Elvina, Wica & Utami, Risnita. (2024). The Effect of Slope Chamfer on Hydroponic NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) System For Cultivation Of Japan Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.)PENGARUH KEMIRINGAN TALANG PADA SISTEM HIDROPONIK NFT (NUTRIENT FILM TECNIQUE) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BAYAM JEPANG (Spinacia oleracea L.). Jurnal Agroqua: Media Informasi Agronomi dan Budidaya Perairan. 22. 141-150. 10.32663/ja.v22i2.4664.
Source: Research Gate