Kroptek has unveiled the step-by-step process of growing mushrooms from the moment you acquire their bags to the gratifying harvest.
The process begins with the collection of used coffee grounds and the additions of lignocellulosic materials – live organic matter, wood chips, hay, and hemp. These materials are pasteurized, combined with water, and heated to 80°C, eliminating unwanted bacteria. This careful preparation lays the foundation for a successful harvest.
Incubation: The emergence of mycelium
Edwin, Kroptek's expert in agriculture introduces spores (the seeds of mushrooms) into the mix. After an incubation period of four weeks, witness the transformative moment when the bag turns white – an indication of the thriving mycelium within.
Air exchange
For clients receiving incubated bags, Edwin recommends a precise process. Cut six slits, 6×6, on each side of the bag, creating 8-10 cm V-shaped openings. This allows for air exchange, triggering the mushrooms to commence their growth.
From pinning to harvest
One week after the air exchange, observe the emergence of pinning – the stage where baby mushrooms appear in clusters. Two weeks post-pinning, you'll be greeted with a full-grown mushroom ready for harvest. Edwin underscores the importance of thermal shock during the air exchange, a crucial element in the growing process.
Two strong harvest yields
After two weeks and your first harvest, a second harvest is possible (at 5% less yield than the first). However, Edwin advises against a third harvest. Following the second harvest, responsibly dispose of the bags or utilize the leftover substrate as a nutrient-rich soil restructuring material for farmers.
For more information:
+44 1483 488729
[email protected]