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mint, basil, and beyond

Beauty company opts for hydroponically grown herbs in oils

Green Fields Oils announced its involvement in testing organic herbs cultivated through a unique aquaponic farming method. While these farms are not part of Green Fields Oils' own operations, the company is excited to collaborate with these farms to explore the potential of mint, basil, and other herbs as new sources for their premium essential oils.

Amina Al Ramadna, Owner of Green Fields Oils

A blend of tradition and innovation
As the world of agriculture evolves, the company is exploring how modern methods can enhance their craft. The herbs being tested are grown in a system that uses soil and water from fish tanks, creating a symbiotic environment that benefits both the plants and the aquatic life. This method, known as aquaponics, is an innovative approach that aligns with Green Fields' values of sustainability and natural purity.

Amina Al Ramadna, the visionary behind Green Fields Oils, shares her enthusiasm for this new venture: "We've always believed in working in harmony with nature. Testing herbs grown in aquaponic farms is a natural extension of our commitment to quality and sustainability. We're eager to see how this method influences the essential oils we produce."

Testing mint, basil, and beyond
The herbs under evaluation include mint, basil, and other aromatic plants traditionally valued for their fragrance and therapeutic benefits. Grown in rich soil and nourished by water from fish tanks, these herbs are expected to yield oils that are as potent and pure as those produced through conventional methods—if not more so.

Green Fields Oils is conducting thorough tests on these herbs to assess their suitability for essential oil distillation. The focus is on understanding how the aquaponic environment affects the quality, concentration, and aroma of the oils. The results of these tests will guide Green Fields in potentially integrating aquaponic-sourced herbs into their regular production line.

A step towards a greener future
This collaboration with aquaponic farms represents a step forward for Green Fields Oils, combining their deep respect for traditional practices with a willingness to embrace innovative, eco-friendly methods. While the farms are not Green Fields' own projects, the partnership reflects a shared commitment to sustainability and excellence.

"This isn't just about producing oils; it's about contributing to a more sustainable future," Amina explains. "By testing these herbs, we're exploring new ways to create high-quality products that are good for our customers and the planet."

For more information:
Green Fields Oils

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