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French vertical farm wins regional innovation competition

La Pousseraie, located in the heart of Nice, stood out by becoming one of the winners of the regional edition of the Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen's "4S Semeur d'innovation" competition. This recognition of La Pousseraie testifies to its significant impact in the environmental innovation sector.

This national competition, organized by the Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen at the regional level, showcased projects focused on the environment, solidarity, culture, and territory. Among nearly a hundred applications received, La Pousseraie distinguished itself with its vertical farm using aquaponics to produce microgreens.

Founded by three engineers in 2020, La Pousseraie cultivates more than twelve plant varieties using aquaponics. La Pousseraie supplies a hundred restaurants with aquaponic microgreens. Each week, between 100 and 150 restaurants are supplied with microgreens, with over 15,000 boxes sold through short supply chains. This enthusiasm for aquaponic microgreens supports restaurants on the Côte d'Azur by offering fresh and local products. It also contributes to carbon footprint reduction through local production and short supply chains.

The three co-founders, Juliette Willier, Blanche Duncombe, and Damien Willier, have successfully created a vertical farm in the heart of Nice, proving that agricultural innovation can also go hand in hand with sustainability and economic success.

Read the entire article at Invest in Cote D'Azur

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