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Building growth opportunities

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold 🌱⭐

Just a couple of weeks ago our teams and friends in Babadogo, Korogocho and Dandora stood by while the Kenyan government demolished their homes and the urban farming systems we've developed and built in the last years. All that effort destroyed in a couple of hours. But already in the Growth4Change community there is pictures and videos being shared of the teams building new systems. They've taken what they could save after the demolition and is already rebuilding their dreams, hope and opportunities.

For me it's an important reminder that one can loose everything you've built. But you will always have your wisdom, experience and passion. That cant be destroyed by others. Following the work and dedication from Charles Lukania, Maria Zachs and our teams in Nairobi makes my heart sing 🌱💚🌍" writes Erik Lundgren on his LinkedIn.

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