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Iceland: Mushrooms and microgreens grower caters to local restaurants

Rækta Microfarm is run by an Italian couple who made their home in Akureyri more than a decade ago. Giacomo Montanelli had been working at Urban Farm, a high-tech greenhouse on the premises of Hotel Akureyri, for several years. Last year, when the hotel broke ground for an expansion and decided to close Urban Farm, Giacomo was offered the chance to take over the business. "I only took the microgreens," Giacomo explains. His partner, Serena Pedrana, joined in to help with marketing and customer service.

While Giacomo didn't come from a horticulture background, his time at Urban Farm ignited a passion that now fuels every aspect of Rækta. "I love it. I'm just passionate about it," he says. His partner chimes in to add that his passion extends beyond the microgreen farm, "We can't even see from the window, because he's growing tomatoes and there are tomato plants everywhere."

Rækta takes its seed sourcing seriously, using only non-GMO seeds whose DNA hasn't been genetically altered. The farm offers over 20 varieties of microgreens, including coriander, cress, nasturtium, sorrel, broccoli, radish, spicy mustard and more. Contrary to the common perception that microgreens are easy to grow, they are actually a delicate and demanding crop. Successful microgreen production requires careful management of several key factors — consistent lighting, temperature control and regular watering. Once these basic processes are secured, it takes five to eight days for most microgreens to be ready for harvest, 10 days for cabbage or peas, and around three weeks for basil and sorrel.

Microgreens are gaining popularity not only for their convenience in indoor cultivation, even during Akureyri's harsh winters, but also for their nutrient density. For instance, broccoli microgreens are 40 times more nutrient-dense than fully-grown broccoli.

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