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US (WA): Healthy soil supports healthy plants, which are more resistant to pests

In the summer of 2021, Tara moved to Grays Harbor, with the idea of a farm in the back of her mind, but sometimes the road rises to meet you. "The farm was intended to be a long-term goal at that point, but I was too excited about it and before the moving boxes were even unpacked, I had started up a farm business growing and delivering microgreens," she shares. "I started offering seasonal produce in summer 2022."

"Our farm is woman-owned and operated," Tara shares. "Farming skipped a generation in my family so I'm starting from scratch, but my mom has been my biggest supporter in building a farm and she is out here every week helping me make it happen."

Grays Greens Farm grows microgreens. "My grandmother actually grew and ate microgreens long before they were called microgreens," shares Tara. "My mom got me into growing them on a very small scale several years back. Once I had the space to do so, I wanted to grow more and be able to share them with the wider community."

"We have a strong focus on agricultural practices that build soil health, including no-till, organic compost application, cover cropping and regular soil testing to amend our soil with trace minerals as needed. Healthy soil supports healthy plants, which are more resistant to pests and more nutritious for the consumer."

Farmers Markets are a great place to pick up local, fresh produce, but what if you need your produce on a different schedule or you can't make it to your local farmers market? Questions like these are what promoted Tara to offer locally and sustainably grown fresh microgreens delivered to you. "I wanted to help people get microgreens and other healthy produce into their diets in a substantial way every single week," Tara explains.

Read the entire article at Grays Harbor Talk

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