An innovative Foothills School Division program is gaining attention from school boards across Alberta. The school division received the 2023 School Board Innovation and Excellence Award at the Alberta School Boards Association Fall General Meeting for its part in the Vertical Farm Initiative (VFI) at Oilfields School in Diamond Valley.
The award recognizes a school board’s role in launching innovative programs or initiatives that enhance student achievement, the Foothills School Division said.
“The Foothills School Division board of trustees is thrilled to highlight and celebrate Oilfield High School’s Vertical Farm Initiative,” Theresa Letendre, Foothills School Division board chair, said.
The vertical farm program at Oilfields School brings together education, subject matter experts, and business, Letendre said. “The VFI is an excellent example of how innovative practices, such as vertical farming, can bring together an entire community,” she said.