"A stable, healthy, and resilient food system needs to be at the forefront of all key stakeholders in order to address the issue of food security. Technology provides speed and scale, precisely where CEA and vertical farming is able to very quickly answer the demand for quality and consistency, especially in highly dense and urbanized cities. It's important to see CEA and vertical farming as not just a key supplement for fresh produce but also as a source of better, sustainable practices that will benefit the whole market," says Jay Desan, Co-Founder of BoomGrow.
The organizers of the APAC summit spoke to Jay to talk about where vertical farming fits in the food security puzzle. BoomGrow specializes in producing greens that are grown and nurtured in climate-controlled repurposed shipping containers to achieve the right balance of flavor, freshness, and nutrition while also delivering on affordability and sustainability.
With rising food prices, what does CEA offer the APAC region?
"CEA is able to offer stable and consistent quality year-round, which means that the market is able to weather multiple challenges, especially price fluctuation, weather conditions, and supply chain issues. This is especially pertinent in APAC."
Where quality and food safety are the unique selling point, to what level is the consumer willing to pay for that in Asia? "Asia is fanatic about its food, and increasingly, there is more interrogation on the production of food and the practices around it. Consumers are definitely interested in the impact of their food, not just on their health but on the health of their planet. In that sense, they have started to vote with their wallet."
Hear more from Jay as she joins the Indoor AgTech Track on Day 3, 2 November: 'The state of CEA and vertical farming and the road ahead.'
For more information:
Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit
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