The limit for CO2 emissions from Dutch horticulture under the CO2 sector system has been set at 5.5 megatonnes. This is according to a recent publication in the Staatscourant. After a calculation, this limit was decided in The Hague.
In steps, emissions must fall to 5.4 megatons in 2024. For this year, 5.6 could be the limit, but the arithmetic shows that the limit has been set a little tighter. Companies separate from the Dutch CO2 sector system and affiliated to a European CO2 system (ETS) do not count. A correction of 0.1 megaton has been applied for that.
In a covenant, it was agreed that the base for the 2021 financial year (i.e., 6.0 megatonnes of CO2 emissions) will decrease linearly in the 2021-2024 period to 5.4 megatonnes of CO2 emissions in 2024.
If the limit is exceeded, growers will have to pay.
Source: Staatscourant