In Nairobi's Kibera neighborhood, residents supported by international NGO the Human Needs Project are making possible what seemed out of reach.
They have ventured into urban farming.
They had to find solutions to challenges, including a lack of proper sanitation and scarcity of water that make farming a difficult venture in Kibera.
David Omari has adapted a soilless medium. He uses pumice, a volcanic rock.
"So, we are using what we call the waste products, which are things which come from yogurt, those cups of yogurt. So, we are using it, we put in the pumice, which comes from the volcanic type of soil or rock from Maimahiu. So this one, you know, it has got no impurities, it is clear and makes the work easier because it cannot grow some weeds."
Fellow farmer Racheal Jumba grows peppers in a greenhouse using hydroponic methods.