Jason Hawkins Row, who is the CEO of Aponic International, has been vertical farming in Suffolk since 2013. He said: “Normally, we will create a controlled or semi-controlled environment. So it extends our growing period. So we may well be able to have four, five, or six harvests a year where sometimes you’d only get one yield.”
“So simply by stacking these containers on top of each other, they can create an environment where you can grow year-round crop production at an indoor facility, controlling it through climate control systems and artificial lighting.”
Aponic International claims that this model can save 95% of the water used in traditional farming, and crops can grow at a 30% faster rate.
Mr Hawkins-Row also said his farm is more profitable since he started vertical farming he said: “The outlay in the capital is much lower, which, again, is very different from farming. We’ve got a business model where you’ll repay the capital in three to five years, whereas farming capital is usually repaid in terms of generations.
Read more at nathforeyjourno.medium.com