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Malaysia: Plant nursery adds small farm to business due to rising health trends

“Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles do bring us a lot of potential customers as we see an increased number of customers coming to use for some fresh produces,” says Samson Chong, director of AugustFame. “As a response, we supply hydroponic fresh produce to the local community and promote healthy eating with our high-quality and consistent vegetables.”

AugustFame is a plant nursery based in Penang, a state in northwest Malaysia, that also has a vertical farm. From its origin, the company is actually a plant nursery providing various plants to the Penang state. Besides that, the company has different product lines to keep its business running. Vertical farming is one of them. Their vertical farm is not used to grow plants though, but to produce vegetables only at this point.

Samson Chong

Expanding the facility
The small-sized farm is about 200 square feet (19m2) and produces about 1500 plants per month. Samson notes that they’re currently collecting funds to expand other rooms in their facility to turn them into full hydroponic systems as well, given the growing demand.

Though, that doesn’t mean that they’re going to take the market by storm. Samson explains, “We do not aim to become a big market player on vegetable supplies as we have limited space, a limited budget, and not enough laborpower. We only aim to serve and supply the local community only.” 

The farm

Product offering
AugustFame currently supplies its customers with living greens, microgreens, edible flowers, and more to local cafes, restaurants, and residents around the area. It’s definitely a great way to save costs, save space, and have consistent results at our location.

As the most demand is coming from the local community and plant nursery, the company doesn’t have the ambition to dive into any other products any time soon. Now the focus is on providing the products they have in constant supply to the local community.

As Samson puts it, “Comparing ourselves with local suppliers, our pricing is always consistent as our cost is always the same. Whereas for local supply, the price fluctuates from time to time depending on demand and supply.”

For more information:
Samson Chong, Director