Ames indoor farm Nebullam has rebranded as Clayton Farms as it expands to the Twin Cities and sets its sights on eastern Iowa and beyond. The new name is a nod to chief farmer Clayton Mooney, the charismatic and public-facing cofounder of the company. He’s an energetic combination of farmer, boxing coach, ultra-marathoner, and former professional poker player.
With a direct-to-consumer business model that delivers picked-the-same-day produce to about 500 subscribers in Iowa, Clayton Farms has seen “40% growth, month over month, for about five quarters straight,” Mooney said.
“It’s awesome, and it’s working. That’s why we’ve been able to expand into new markets, expand the team and raise another round of financing,” a round that will likely be finalized in September, he said. “In the past year, we’ve had about 600% growth.”
Serving weekly customers in the Ames, Ankeny, and Des Moines areas, the indoor farm also has a pilot project in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, where it delivers every-other week.
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